Thursday 22 December 2022

Thursday 22nd December - wrapped the last present!

Daybreak was late this morning, and dusk came early. Or so it seemed, probably because it was grey and drizzling all day. 

Himself was off to the dentist again. Our practice has changed hands, and flung itself from a more or less one man band to a team of specialists. It's a good thing we have both retired as this new system entails multiple visits, but He reported that this was the most skilful experience of having two crowns done ever. There will be a couple more visits, to the gum specialist and then the crown specialist, but not until next year. He came back in a considerably more cheerful frame of mind than I was expecting. 

Meanwhile I zoomed a friend who has come down with covid for the first time having dodged all through, even though she was working in schools all the time. She's feeling really rubbish on day two, and resigning herself to Christmas alone this year. 

I'm hoping that plans for my father to go to my brother's house actually happen this year; he's being collected tomorrow go and stay for a few days. Last year it was cancelled as there was covid in my brother's household at the time. Fingers crossed.

This covid business.... goes on and on.... I read that sternation is now one of the symptoms.  Sternation? I looked the word up. It means sneezing. Does that mean if you regard a scene with consternation you start sneezing at it?

My Advent candle, once so tall, is reduced to a stub... just two numbers left. I have it on the table and light it at lunchtime. One number is just long enough for lunch. I was finding that if I left it to the evening I would forget it and burn too many numbers in one go. 

As I announced in the heading of this post, I have wrapped the last present - hooray! It always grieves me to be wrapping presents at 2am on Christmas Day knowing that in a matter of hours they will all be unwrapped again. 


  1. I am hopeless at wrapping presents,mainly because I resent having to wrap them for it to be thrown away. Nowadays, I mainly just shove into the myriad gift bags I have from school with some tissue thrown on top. I've always been renowned for badly wrapped presents so I don't really have a reputation to lose! xx

    1. Now that I no longer teach in schools I am steadily using up my stash of gift bags. Your method sounds a great idea!

  2. All year I have diligently saved (and ironed) the scrunched brown paper used in parcels this days in lieu of bubble wrap. And then doodled stars and holly with sharpies. Leftover fabric tote bags from my sale hold the parcels in family groups.
