Sunday 22 January 2023

Sunday 22nd January - Knitting socks 'in' church

 The sock is increasing. But very slowly.

15th January

21st January (not much happened for a couple of days when other things and also tiredness intervened)


There advantages to not being able to attend church in person, due to being cautious about joining large indoor gatherings. (They do livestream the services, so the ten or so members of church who can't go are still being included). 

Firstly, I can stay at home in the warm, especially as the church boiler is properly broken and sourcing a replacement is not going to be a quick job.

Secondly, we can enjoy a second breakfast and coffee...

Thirdly, I can knit while listening to the songs, sermon, prayers etc.

It is going to feel very strange not having a mug of coffee and my knitting close to hand once I am able to go to church again.


  1. So clever to knit socks! I think the last thing I knitted was little hats for Innocent drink bottles!!

    1. Once you get going it's not too tricky. I'm trying a new pattern where I don't need to 'turn the heel' .

  2. A sock knitted from the toe!? Fascinating, never seen that before.

  3. I'm following an Arne and Carlos YouTube. Hoping the the heel turn method will be easier.

  4. Last time I did Zoom church, my mate asked where I bought my croissants (first breakfast, eating during first hymn, we'd overslept) our church still doing zoom each week for those who are unable to mix.

    1. When it was zoom church (during the lockdowns) we all knew that the people who had not switched their video on were probably stoll in pyjamas and eating breakfast!
