Tuesday 21 March 2023

Tuesday 21st March - equinox?

I thought 21st of March, and 21st of September were the dates when the length of the day equalled the kength of the night. However I notice that sunrise gere today was at 06:02 and sunset at 18:15. Somebody will no doubt explain it to me, and I will have forgotten by September. 

It's rare that a meal is a complete disaster, but that happened today. After a valiant attempt at eating the paella we had treated ourselves to, bought from a 'superior establishment' we gave up and tipped it into the compost bin and went and found something else from the freezer.

Whatever it is that lives in our compost bin seems to be remarkably resilient. I know you are not supposed to put half the stuff in there that we do, but it all seems to work in the end. The main fail was an excess of grass clippings (I had expressed my doubts over this). We opened the lid when we saw smoke rising and hastily added a couple of buckets of wate the worms, poor things, did survive, just, by scrambling (wriggling?) right to the top and clinging to the sides and lid. 

It will soon be time to prise open the hatch and dig out the consequences of the past six months or so. We'll need some warmer, drier days before we attempt that.

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