Friday 5 May 2023

Friday 5th May - Such a day, such a day

I think it is going to take a very long blog post to cover today, and yesterday, and probably the day before.

This morning was the dentist, a bit of a long morning, as Himself had over an hour's work finishing off replacing crowns and bridge work. I just had a check up. 

This new dentist just peers intently at my teeth, using special magnifying glasses and a bright narrow-beam light, barely poking at my teeth at all. After years of dentists scritching and scratching and picking at my teeth this is a welcome change!

do you remember that toothpaste advertisement on TV; 'no fillings today, Mum!'? Well that was me today!

Home, but no lunch as himself was still too numb to eat. But there were other excitements as we approached the drive. The entrance was blocked by a white delivery drive - hurrah - we were just in time to sign for a piece of tech (a new kindle reader) which Himself had ordered, before realising there was a very good risk that we would be out and unable to sign for it! That was a real distraction from lunch.

A further distraction was the arrival of a very snazzy rollator for my father.

  Which as you can see fits into the boot of our Fiat Panda with ease. We have unpacked it and set it up to take round on Sunday.

After that we put up the bunting. That makes five houses decorated so far at our end of the road - maybe more people will join in tomorrow.

While I had my phone with me I had a little walk round the garden; EVERYTHING that I sowed in the vegetable plot has come up! That is just so cheering. For some reason it is the broad beans (crimson flower again) that makes me the happiest. They look so eager and energetic, pushing through the soil.

The tulips are still bright and attractive; we are holding off dealing with the forget-me-nots which are very exuberant this year until they have finished flowering.

The 'nursery' is fairly well-stocked at the moment;

The salvia Armistead cuttings are in the 'holey' zippy greenhouse, having been moved from the newer zippy greenhouse to make room for french bean and borlotti bean seeds.

Here are three tomato plants, Gardener's Delight, Alicante and Beefy Beefsteak, and some herbs from the supermarket which will restock the herb garden in the next few days. 

Oh yes, every part of our rather small garden is labelled in my mind; the nursery, yard, vegetable, herb and woodland and wildlife gardens, the sunny border, shady border, lawn, container garden, lower patio and upper terrace... one day (in my dreams) I will have signs, like in a 'real' garden, directing the way to each area... and maybe the number of paces, as opposed to yards, to reach the destination...

I will post on the Cross Country Stitching Project another time - suffice it to say I have the idea for May clear in my mind and can start charting. Phew, because nearly a week has gone!


  1. That's brilliant about the plants Kirsten (And the dentist! I have been thrown off my NHS dentist's register sadly, since I hadn't been for 2 years...stupid Covid!)

  2. Most of my seeds have germinated - except my tomatoes where that has been a total failure. Not sure why. New seeds, fresh compost, lots of encouragement....

    1. I never got round to starting any veg seeds indo. These tomatoes are bought ones.

  3. Our dentist went totally private many years ago... the seedlings have grown even more overnight!
