Sunday 7 May 2023

Sunday 7th May - nah, I don't think I will

 watch the Coronation Concert tonight.

Well, I can tell you I woz wrong.

Our Canadian friends wanted to watch, so by hook and by crook through the wonders of the Internet we managed to fix it, and started watching it on zoom together, and we were hooked! I'm so grateful to them for causing us to watch it.

They discovered it was being broadcast on Canada, so we bade them farewell and watched it in our respective countries on our respective televisions. 

If you missed it, hunt on iplayer and watch. I particularly want to listen to the Prince of Wales' short and excellent speech again (around 9.45 pm).

And as for the lighting effects... Wow.


  1. It was superb, I enjoyed it far more than I expected to. Some very funny, very clever, and very inspiring content. And the light show was indeed mind blowing. Is Hugh Bonneville becoming a National Treasure?
