Friday 28 July 2023

Friday July 27th - Spring, Summer, Autum, take your pick

I reckon we've had all three seasons in one day. In other words, a typical English summer. I think we are better of here than on the Mediterranean coast, at any rate. 

I'm clinging to my belief that a Staycation is when you stay in your own home for holidays. Not your own or a rented holiday home or caravan. Although, in many of the books written in or about the first half of the 20th century many families lived 'in town' during the week and in the country at weekends. 'Mrs Miniver', for one in her wartime essays;

(Oh look; I've just been on amazon to get a picture, and the Kindle price is only 79 pence!)

We shall be having another Staycation for the fourth year in a row. I'm okay with that. There's plenty to to at home and nearby. Back in May after weeks and weeks of cold dismal weather I was feeling a bit stir crazy and started looking online for Kandmark Trust places (at least I know I won't be part of the 'pricing local people out of the villages' problem). The are expensive, for sure, but for the most part in astonishing rescued buildings.

But hey, with the garden looking like this at the moment,  why would I want to be somewhere else?

Well, I can think of lots of reasons, but staying home watching thise cardoons growing and growing is pretty good too.

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