Friday 14 July 2023

Friday 14th July - so many reasons for feeling better

 Such as

getting started on the cross stitch! It doesn't look like much yet, and I'm still mulling over the colours but at least I can get on with something while I ponder.

Next, these miniature rose seeds arrived in the post today. I've read the sowing instructions several times over; they need a temperature of 18-22C to germinate, so, having looked at the weather forecast, I will have to start them off indoors. 

Just 15 seeds in the packet, but if they should all germinate then I will have more than enough!

These roses;

There are nine blooms on the one spindly stem, clamouring to be allowed indoors out of the rain!

And talking of rain - there will be no need to water the pots and tubs this evening.

My father nearly had a wardrobe malfunction; we had a plaintive telephone call asking if we had a thingy for making holes in his leather belt! The answer is no; but Himself took round his Dremel drill set when he delivered the shopping and drilled several holes as requested. Things should be easier now! That drill was a leaving present ('you want one a what?') when he retired from work. It has proved its value many and many a time.

I discovered a 'new to me' gardening magazine today (thanks to the pressreader app) called 'The English Garden'. There were only two issues available on pressreader; The older one was 'A Year in the Garden' and goes through month by month with luscious pictures. I am the other issue for tomorrow; it will be my reward for after the next stitching session!

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