Friday 13 October 2023

Friday 13th October - a good day for experiments

 Planting out my garlic wasn't an experiment. I did the same as last time; ordered some organic garlic from the supermarket, split the best one and planted the best cloves. I've put a clothe on top because those squirrels are still busy busy busy in the garden.

It's more peaceful in the garden now that the magpies have finished struggling and fighting over the suet balls. That's because they have eaten them. I shan't be replacing them too soon!

Now for the experiments;

Slow cooker ginger cake using this recipe. It seemed the most straight forward; mix it up, and then tip it into a lined slow cooker pot, (the china dish insert, not the heated base unit,). Put a folded towel across the top under the lid, and walk away. Three hours later, cake!

I noticed t hat one side was well overdone; that must be where the base unit gets hotter. There's no issue with the flavour!

I'll change two things when I make another one (which I definitely will be doing)

I shall double line the pot, and cook it for 15-30 minutes less as it is just a little on the dry side. The recipe is for what I think of as an 'ordinary' slow cooker, and mine is a small one;

Being completely round instead1of the more usual oval shape I could also give the pot a turn from time to time.

Experiment number 2;

Boiled eggs in the air fryer. Seriously?

'Put your room temperature eggs in the air fryer, just straight in the basket' says the recipe, and cook at 200°c for 

Dippy egg 8 mins

Medium egg 9 mins

Hard boiled 10-11 mins.

When time's up, plunge them into cold water to stop them cooking and make them easier to peel.


The eggs are cooking (I can't say 'boiling'), the toast is being buttered, the egg- cracking contraption were give 20 years ago is all ready;

Now, once you put the hat on the egg and let the heavy weight drop it should be possible to lift off the top of the egg

And here we go!

I did 9 minutes this time; I think 8 minutes would be better as the egg was on the harder side of medium; just perfect for an egg salad but too well done for dipping the soldiers.

There will definitely be a next time!


  1. My small slow cooker has just one setting, the larger has warm, hot and "keep warm". The woman in the health food job was extolling the virtue of boiled eggs in the air fryer.

    1. I cooked the full quantity of cake ingredients on low in my small cooker. I guess that would be warm on your cooker? Air fryer fried eggs next!

  2. Well!! Not having either an airfryer or slow cooker I cant try any of your recipes. But the egg looks good.

    1. It tasted good, I'd rather have a firmer set than very soft. I won't put what my aunt called a very soft boiled egg.... I expect you can guess

  3. We don't have an air fryer, so I can't do boiled eggs. But I'm getting quite successful at poached eggs in the microwave, which is good for my breakfast!

    1. It's astonishing how versatile these kitchen gadgets can be. I poach eggs in microwave too. But I've seen recipes for crackpot and airfryer poached eggs on the Internet. Anything that makes for less mess gets my vote!
