Monday 23 October 2023

Monday 23rd October

Those pesky squirrels have been burying their acorns so vigorously in the agapanthus pots that they have exposed the roots! I hadn't been out in the garden much, so only spot the mischief today. We've added some earth, and put a cloche over one pot, and an upturned empty hanging basket from over the other. 

It's been entertaining watching the squirrels defend their buried acorns from the magpies - surely the magpies have no interest in acorns?

It's been so tempting to add books to the 'keep' pile rather than charity bags or ziffit boxes. I have put 'the Quiet Gentleman' by Georgette Heyer, '84 Charing Cross Road' by Helen Hanff and 'The Theatrical Tapes of Leonard Thynne' by Adrian Plass to one side. They are all old favourites; once I have finished them I'll probably send them on their way... although I'm wavering over '84 Charing Cross Road'.

I have fond memories of the second hand bookshops there. When I was getting ready to start university a pianist friend went with me to help buy the huge quantity of music recommended by the tutors and I've still got most of it.

We've nearly completed phase 1 of the Great Bedroom Upheaval, which was completely clearing the four packed bookshelves running the full width of the bed. Now the shelves just need to come down, ready for Moving The Wardrobes.....

Meanwhile, it's quiz night (Only Connect and University Challenge) followed by Masterchef. Perfect for relaxing after all that hard work.


  1. 84CC went in the 2015 move. I loved the book (& the film) but I have survived it's departure from the shelf. Our new vicar wants to have a Grand Book Sale in the New Year. I'm designating a declutter box for that. However, I cannot find one book which I was sure we had got, (and I want to reread) so currently checking CS.

    1. Quickest way to know if you want to reread a book is to take it to the charity shop last week.....
