Friday 29 December 2023

Friday 29th December

 Only one typo (that I found) in yesterday's post. I'm finding quite a few in my handwritten Commonplace books from a few years ago. Would they be writeos? But they are actually wrongos.....

I read this in Nigel Slater's 'Christmas Chronicles' in the chapter for 27th December (I've got a few days behind)

Yes, yes and double yes.

We had such a mega massive lunch today that although I was desperate for some fresh air, all I could manage was a little pootle around the garden. 

I took some time to memorise the arrangement of my vegetable growing containers so that I could start thinking of plans. They are in a bit of a state. There are two kohl rabi, some stunted Swiss chard (but the leaves are still edible), and two pots, one with a sad little bit of spinach and another with some. equally unappealing pak choi. I'm not sure what's under a cloche as I was still too full to try and read the label, and the cauliflowers seem to be growing but I'm not sure they will ever really become cauliflowers.

At the other end of the patch are the last remaining carrots, and some promising garlic. And, of course, the Egyptian Walking Onion...

So, here, on the first page of my giant 2024 diary, is the pencil sketch of the pots, and the Beginnings of the plannings, guided by Huw Richard's 'Veg in One Bed' with my alterations along the way. I'll resist inking it in for a couple of months. Or weeks. Certainly not for a day or so.

Ages ago I promised you a photograph of my Christmas snowdrops. Here they are, one flower and quite a few buds out in time for Christmas, but too few to pick any yet.


  1. I planted potatoes, as instructed by Dear Monty, to " enjoy new potatoes at Christmas". I moved the tubs when the fencing men came. There were def. spuds in them then. NOW THEY HAVE GONE. Who has eaten them? And the fleece I carefully pegged over the raised bed has been blown about by the high winds. Losing my gardening mojo here....

    1. This has NOT been a good year for potatoes for me. The 'new potatoes for Christmas' succumbed to the depressingly wet weather and being devoured by some kind of leaf mining pest which also ended the spinach and the chard. The potatoes I planted in Spring rotted beforethey could get started! I shall treat ALL the pots with something to kill the Leaf miners - I think I can water in nematodes - and try again. Once the days get lighter and warmer I know I will feel more enthusiastic!

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