Sunday 10 December 2023

Sunday 10th December - Makes and bakes for the second week in Advent!

 Here we go;

The knitted teddy bear glove/finger puppets might take a bit of 'trial and error' depending on the yarn you are using, and the size of hand/finger your are making them for. 

A complete teddy finger puppet took me a day, the glove puppet two days. So if you are looking to use up some scrap yarn and make a small present, this might work for you.   

The papercraft  has to be  the simplest booklet ever - at least, I hope you find it so! A single sheet of A4 paper and a pair of scissors should see you through. Then, the contents are up to you. A little story for a child, pictures, drawings...

And two recipes for cheese biscuits. I've just listened to an audio book by Miss Read, 'Winter at Thrush Green' (I find her books perfect night-time reading and listening - I used to read them when life was threatening to become 'all a bit much' and needed to totally switch off and wind down). They continually have little sherry parties in each other's houses, and I think these little biscuits might have been the sort of thing they served beside the sherry (and whisky for the men, of course!). 

One, the cheesy feet is suitable for Everyone, the other, with mustard, pepper and cayenne, has a bit more of a 'kick'.  

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