Sunday 24 December 2023

Sunday 24th December - Pause in Advent 4

1 Corinthians chapter 13 verse 13

The 'love' chapter of the Bible; read at many weddings,  indeed I had the privilege and terror of reading it after my god daughter's wedding.

(I had recently watched the film 'The King's Speech' and was hugely impressed at how the text was marked up for pause and emphasis and where to breathe and did the same!)

Anyway, the final verse is

And now these three three remain; faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these three is love.

Today the fourth Advent candle is lit, following on from hope, peace and joy,

and it is for love;


The collect for the fourth Sunday in Advent is about love too; asking God to help and strengthen us with his power so that we can continue through life, through the 'satisfaction of thy Son our Lord'

I take this to mean that, in coming to live and teach and die among us, God showed just how high and how wide, and how deep and how far he will go because of his great love for us.

One more sleep until we celebrate this great act of love!


  1. I really like 'Love came down at Christmas' and had forgotten about it- so thank you for the reminder Kirsten! That's a wonderful reminder about the great dimensions of God's love for us! I am thankful to know him.
    Wishing you a merry Christmas to you and all your family and hope all is well for you in 2024. xxx

  2. Have a wonderful day Kirsten - nothing can separate us from His love

    1. That is just so true. Have a peaceful day
