Sunday, 11 February 2024

Sunday 11th February

 'O Sabbath rest by Galilee,

O calm of hills above....' 

Except I can't remember the words properly and usually hum a  mish mash of lines from different verses...

Today has been pretty much an oasis of calm for me and I have hardly done anything. I've eaten the food that Best Beloved has prepared, cooked, served and cleared away and that's about it. 

Par for the course at the beginning of half term, especially after a busy day yesterday. 

Maybe a Lent project for me is to take the time to sit and think... 

Taking time to sit and think, if only for 5 minutes, makes a bigger difference than I thought it would.


  1. What if someone were to remind you that that 5 minutes will change the rest of your day? (I often have to remind myself) It's true. So worth it. -Kate

    1. It certainly makes a good start to the day for me, when I remember.

  2. 5 very precious. Take every one of them.
