Monday 11 March 2024

Monday 11th March


I read an article about 'popcorn brain' as I was idly scrolling on my phone this morning, and, well, if the cap fits, as they say...

I'd heard of, and indeed used the phrase 'butterfly mind' 🦋 which sounds rather pretty and amusing. But 'popcorn brain' - well, that struck home. It doesn't sound delightful or graceful at all! So I've stuck a post-it note saying 'REALLY?' to the inside front cover of my phone and this tablet in an effort to make me think about how I am using them. How much I'm using them. What I am using them for. If I REALLY? need to look that thing up now, right now, and having looked it up do I also need to check this that or the other as well. Today's gone fairly well so far.

Reading Real Books, rather than kindle on the tablet helps, as they don't seem to have an internet connection built-in. 


Although I have a particular bungalow, not even on the market, in mind, my mind is busy with what needs to be done, what could be done, and what we should just not bother with, in this house for whenever we do sell, whatever we do eventually buy.

What do you think? Our bedroom 'carpet' is actually a shocking mismatched patchwork of rugs laid ound the furniture and over the ruins of the original carpet. Under the rugs are now mostly holes in the original cheap nasty carpet, probably going back to the 1970s and very rough gappy floorboards. All the other floors are in reasonable condition. 

Do we just apologise for this one room and leave it to the buyers to fix? Or try and arrange to get a cheap beige carpet put down before we sell? Would a buyer see what is currently there as a deal-breaker or negotiation opportunity? 

And the gas fire in the sitting room. It's good looking, but not been used or serviced for about 10-20 years. This is a very warm house and we haven't felt the need. I suppose the first step might be to get it serviced and see if it is still OK.


I  feel a sort of urgency to clear the decks of various unfinished objects, (UFOs) or works-in-progress.

In order; the poncho; the second sock, including adding the heel to the first sock; the Elizabeth Zimmerman adult surprise jacket which stalled out one summer as it was too warm for that kind of knitting; the giant granny square blanket which I suddenly got bored with; and a large count canvas tapestry cushion cover kit I bought to see if my mother could manage it after her stroke (sadly she couldn't).

I'm aiming to finish the poncho this week, and the socks early in April. As part of sorting out my 'popcorn brain' I am resolutely NOT fishing out the other UFOs this week!


I've done a bit of charting, in a desultory, scrappy fashion, enough to think 'let's thread  a needle and just go for it'. Dangerous stuff. But that's what I'm going to do!


I've rescued eight Guernsey new potatoes from the fridge drawer which look as though they have some life in them, and set them to chit.

According to The Plan, I should be thinking about getting started with lettuces, radishes, spring onions, broad beans and potatoes in March. I've sorted out packets of seeds all ready. Now all I'm waiting for is some warmer drier weather.

We've also potted up the mini Christmas tree I was given at the beginning of December last year. It was very unhappy and fed up on the windowsill. We almost see it stretch and sigh 'ah, at last' in its roomy pot in the garden.


  1. Definitely get heater serviced. then you have a Useful document to flourish. Carpet, I think people will make their own decisions, so dont spend lots on new carpet. However, if you feel it is necessary just get a not-expensive one fitted. Then it will be billed as 'newly carpeted' which sounds good.

    1. Thank you - advice welcome! Last time we moved house was in the 1980s. Things are very different these days.

    2. Yes, I'd have said get a not-expensive carpet fitted. Estate agents can be good advisors on what to do and what to leave, although we've known them to give differing answers.

    3. Thank you, your comments are really helpful.

  2. I agree with that advice. Don't overdo "renovations" as people will want to do their own thing anyway

    1. Yes, the less we have to spend in order to sell, the better!

  3. You will def. need the heater serviced as solicitors will need a certificate and a cheap grey carpet- the in colour for selling houses! - will look much better and people won't wonder what other things are going to need doing when they see your odd carpets and rugs covering an old carpet.
    Selling and buying are so different now since the 80s, it was much easier then.

    1. That's a good point about not raising suspicious thoughts in the buyer's minds. There's a nasty stain in a corner of the back bedroom from a damp problem fixed years ago, which we will definitely repaint!

  4. Definitely get your heating serviced, to keep our guarantee running we have to have a yearly service. Definitely get a new cheap carpet, otherwise buyers might wonder what's hiding underneath. Good luck. Xx

    1. Even I don't want to know what is hiding under the carpet! Servicing the fire is now on the list; we'll think about what to do if it is condemned later. No use meeting bridges halfway, or do I mean crossing trouble before I get there!
