Monday, 6 May 2024

Monday 6th May

 I'm not regretting 'casting my clout' even though the sunny weather yesterday turned to rain today. It's still much warmer than it has been all year.

I've had a sofa day; sat sitting here catching up on reading Rory Stewart's 'The Places Inbetween' for the next book club meeting on Wednesday.  I was slightly horrified to find I was less than a quarter of the way through, but I'll be close to the end if not completely finished. As you'd expect from an account of his trek on foot across Afghanistan, there isn't a single woman in the story so far after he left Kabul. I can't imagine the life of the wives and daughters out there in the remote villages.

I've finished the top part of the cross stitch collaboration,  so tomorrow I will have to start charting and sewing a side border. It's coming along steadily.

The neck is edged on the Bog Coat and I now need to think about whether I will continue the edging all the way around, or leave it. 

For anyone who missed the early stages, here's why it is called a Bog Coat. This is one of the blogs I read while I was researching the idea (I have no idea where I discovered the existence of bog coats). Mine is a rehash of a rather rough and ready small, thin quilt I had, and is more of a prototype/experiment. I'm definitely going to make another one, but not padded this time. I'll have to think about the fabrics; current thinking is to make two, and stitch them together somehow to make it completely reversible. Thinking about how to achieve this is bending my brain.


  1. Thanks for that explanation. I had wondered if it had anything to do with coats of ancient times.
