Monday 24 June 2024

Monday 24th June

Off to the rehab exercise class this morning,  with more vim and vigour than last week, or even the weeks before. I suspect I had been brewing up for an episode of lurginess for a while. I'll just have to curb my enthusiasm for a few more days...

The bread machine ginger cake turned out pretty well; borderline dry, maybe, but will be pretty good with custard. Of course, being made in the bread machine means that it is the size of... a loaf! Slice and freeze, I reckon, 

A parcel arrived from Ang today; the prepped foundation cloth for our next collaboration, a note on a postcard and a sweet little tin of delicious mints from Paris.

The postcard has a picture of a detail of a embroidery stitched by Mary, Queen of Scots, The picture on the tin is from the famous medieval 'Lady and the Unicorn' tapestries in the Musée de Cluny in Paris. The two pictures are literally inspirational. More on the collaboration project to follow....

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