Thursday 20 June 2024

Thursday 20th June

 It's rather fitting that Summer weather arrives on the longest day of the year. I mean, it would have been nice if Summer had started in... in the Summer season, like, at the beginning of June but - better late than never?

I finished reading 'Winter Holday' by Arthur Ransome, a most unseasonal read as it concerns the lake freezing completely over. This means that the Swallows and Amazons (apart from Nancy who has caught mumps) and the Ds (new additions to the stories as this is early in the series) can make an expedition to the North Pole. (The North end of the lake).

Now for 'Swallowdale', the previous book. I am reading them all out of order! I shall borrow 'Pigeon Post' from my father to read next.

That's pretty much it for today's activities...

I did manage to teach a couple of piano lessons but I shall not stay for all the church home group zoom later this evening. Once everyone has joined I shall hand it over and fade out.

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