Monday 29 July 2024

Monday 29th July

It was potato day today!

I was just pottering round the garden first thing in the morning before tackling a slew of telephone calls and emails that were stacked up for today

Out of curiosity I pulled up a couple of sad remnants of potato plants from one of the three tubs that have been subject to near devastating mollusc attacks all year.

There were potatoes! Even some bigger ones!

I put five to one side as they are very green. Tne rest weighed in at 1lb 2oz. There are a few stumpy stalks in that tub, and two more tubs to go.

I spent the entire morning sorting out this that and the other, and the afternoon chatting to a friend and discussing family affairs with my brother. A good day.

So now we come to supper time. Best Beloved is enjoying cheese sandwiches using the last of the salad in the fridge, and finishing off the bread.

I had potato salad with a boiled egg, using four the middle sized potatoes. Delicious!

 I put the quartered potatoes, egg, and cut French beans in a pan of water just as it came to the boil, and boiled gently for 8 minutes. Meanwhile I chopped a piece of a dill pickle, and a sun dried tomato, stirred in a tablespoon of yogurt, a squeeze of lemon and salt and pepper.

I cooled the egg and veg, a bit, peeled and chopped up the egg and stirred it all together. It's the kind of salad I like, but BB doesn't. So we both had our preferred meal.


  1. My kind of salad! Those first little potatoes just can't be beaten.

    1. It was very good. So herbs chopped in would have been even better.

  2. I don't like boiled eggs but love potato salad. The runner beans are coming along nicely on my bamboo pyramid

    1. I have 1 bean plant left; it is about 4 inches tall!

  3. RannedomThoughts30 July 2024 at 09:34

    Boiling eggs with other foods may seem like an efficient use of gas or electricity but it is also a really good way to become infected with salmonella. You may have dodged the bullet thus far, but do you really want to take that chance????

    1. I didn't know that! I shall change my ways forthwith.

  4. That sounds a delicious meal (apart from the salmonella) Mr FD hates hard boiled eggs, but I really like them.
