Saturday 24 August 2024

Saturday 24th August

 Be careful what you wish for...

A friend whatsapped me to apologise; 'it's all my fault! I was saying that the garden could do with some rain!'

But I couldn't let her take all the blame because I had been thinking exactly the same thing.

So for most of the day there was rain, or drizzle, or cloudburst, all with or without wind. 

The skies cleared around teatime; too late to go anywhere. But I did get some adm8n done, and I read a whole lightweight rom-com which I had been saving for the right time, which was today.

It was a Trisha Ashley, completely predictable, but enjoyable for doldrums days. I do wonder if she has a standard skeleton plot and list of stereotypical characters ready to insert as necessary, but hey, if it works, why not?

Anyway, the right people ended up paired off together, and the nasty ones got their just deserts so I was happy.


  1. I am sure Dick Francis had a formula for his novels, they all followed exactly the same format.

    1. And I was quite happy with the endless variations on the theme!

  2. Think you are correct! I'm re reading Elizabeth Falconer's 6 books all set in France and loving them. She was particularly good with her descriptions of food/markets/more food/ etc. Have you come across her?

    1. Ah! I haven't come across EF. I'll investigate...

  3. Amazon has copies. You must get them in the right order!

    1. I was looking to see if I could get them on kindle. Otherwise I'll go to world of books for secondhand. Which is the first?
