Thursday 8 August 2024

Thursday 8th August

 Evenin' all

as Dixon of Dock Green used to say... 

I used to watch that on tv when I was little, and then I discovered a radio version on BBC sounds...I don't know if it is still available. Very soothing, and most problems resolved by a stern warning taken seriously by the miscreant.  Those were the days? Maybe. Probably not. I don't think 'the good old days' were ever as good in reality as people dream.

Here's the next installment of the 'Cover Story' stitching. Ang looked to sashiko for her inspiration;

Lovely waves of stitches in light blue on cream fabric to make a very calming design. Beautiful. 

Here's mine;

I've used the same fabric as the last one, but this time I used a perfectly cotton to outline the flowers with close packed rows of chain stitch. My inspiration was the Kashmiri style bedside rugs I saw when we went to stay with my Oma (grandmother) when I was little, made from thick cream felt embroidered with bright animals and flowers in rows of chain stitches.

As it happened we each included a piece of fabric as the 'flat gift' in our respective packages. I'm not showing the piece Ang sent me as I'm pondering how to use it...

It's a little spooky how often we end up thinking along similar lines, especially as we've never actually met!


  1. It must be lovely to have that connection. I have been fortunate to have met Ang and Bob, and they are truly lovely people. Your sewing ideas are so imaginative.

    1. Thank you. I do feel that I know Ang and Bob through online connections-the Internet can be a huge blessing, not just a swamp!
