Thursday 24 October 2024

Thursday 24th October

 Time seemed to go so slowly through Spring and Summer, and now it is racing away. It's not as if I was busy or anything...

In a week's time I shall start reading Nigel Slater's 'Christmas Chronicles' - have I said that already? It popped up on my auto-complete bar suspiciously quickly. He starts on 1st November with making liqueurs to be ready at Christmas. I'm not a great drinker, but the idea of a tiny indulgent glass of homemade apricot or prune and raisin liqueur does appeal. I think I'll give the dried figs version a miss. I'm not keen on figs, fresh or dried.

I plan to buy the ingredients in time to make them on 1st November, all being well.

The leftover fruit makes a luxurious topping for ice cream, or yogurt, or even muesli or porridge in the dull days of spring. 

My annual review with the pharmacist at our GP surgery was fine, apart from flagging up raised something or other level, meaning I was approaching (but not actually arrived at)  type 2 diabetes.  'Be sure your sins will find you out', I muttered to myself.  One biscuit with morning coffee or tea (or both, let's be a little bit honest here) has crept to two, and one chocolate at 'chocolate o'clock' has also become two. Sometimes 'chocolate o'clock' comes round in the afternoon as well as the evening if it has been a particularly gutty sort of day.

I haven't thrown out the biscuits and chocolates, but am determinedly going back to one, morning or afternoon. And just one 'chocolate o'clock' per day.

Look what I've done to the last of the chocolates! Snip snip snip with the scissors, and I've cut them all in half!

I reckon these two small changes will make a difference. 

Also, two of the meds I take may be giving slightly inflated results for the blood test; I shall ask when I get the opportunity. 

Still, it will do no harm to my weight, waist measurement, blood tests or purse to rein in the biscuit/chocolate consumption. 


  1. No chocolates were harmed in this cutting frenzy??

    1. No, not this time! We've just had ' chocolate o'clock ' and half a chocolate was plenty, I found.
