Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Tuesday 4th January - progress, progress...

I have stopped having breakfast in bed this year. It was one thing less for BB to do, (to be fair, he was more than willing!) and getting up sooner makes for a longer morning.

So now I clear a place on what we call the dining room table, lay a tiny square of cloth and sit down properly for breakfast. 

Then I write up my diary for yesterday, have a look at some blogs, and read my book for a little while

before reviewing the week ahead and creating a to-do list and prioritising the various tasks. It makes for a gentle start to the day. 


 The cut-off dates for various tasks around the funeral next week are looming ever closer;

Today I managed to finalise the order or service, and then disappeared down a rabbit hole of photographs for what they call a 'visual tribute'; in essence a slide-show which will run throughout the ceremony.

I have far too many boxes like this one! BB lifted down four similar boxes until we came to this one which was full of photographs, mostly unlabelled, of course.

My brother and I have selected around 25 photographs which he is going to upload somewhere before Thursday. The order of service has been sent to the celebrant. Two more big boxes on the list ticked off!


Now I'm half watching the Great British Menu while I'm typo-ing this post (!) and feeling tired and virtuous! Chocolate'o'clock was very welcome this evening. 


Here is a Nunc Dimittis composed by Orlando Gibbons, one of my very favourite early music composers, sung by one of my favourite groups, Voces 8.

For me the first line 'Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace' means 'I've done what I can for today, please may I clock off and go to bed now?'. Especially at the moment!


  1. Thank you (I accidentally deleted your comment so retyped it!)

  2. That music is glorious.

    That start to the day sounds amazing, like a wonderful springboard. I hope that it all sees you through this time.

  3. Sounds like a lovely start to the day.
    Preparing for a funeral is very difficult. It was really tough for us sisters to do it for Mum, especially during Covid times. What to say? What not to say? Hope you get it worked out soon.

    1. I'm leaving the talking to my brother this time! I did half for my mother nine years ago, almost to the day. It's hard to stay in control...
      I think my part in the preparation is about finished, thank heavens!

  4. The music is beautiful - thank you.

    1. There are so many beautiful settings; I'm really enjoying discovering them.

    2. There are so many beautiful settings; I'm really enjoying discovering them.
