Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Wednesday 12th February - not sensible

Sometimes one just doesn't want to be sensible.

Yesterday afternoon was considerably warmer than Monday; 'feels like' 3°C as opposed 'feels like -3°C the day before.

So I sat outside for a couple of hours, wrapped up in blankets and thoroughly enjoyed seeing the children, and meeting my brother's family, and the cousins, and my uncle. This doesn't happen anywhere near often enough. 

Today I woke at 4.30am with cystitis and an incredibly stiff neck! Misery!

I fired off a message to the doctor (everything is done online now) mentioning that I had what is known as a 'rescue course' of coamoxiclav antibiotics - common practice for people with respiratory conditions. Back came a text confirming UTI and recommending I start the course. So I was able to begin antibiotics within a couple of hours of the first symptoms and that's already under control.

My neck is responding to heat packs, staying warm, .very gentle stretches and moving very cautiously. 

I'm trying not to whinge or whimper!

One of my daughter's drawings



Did you know Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote a Requiem? I used to listen to it all the time; we bought the record when it came out...

It's actually the 'Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord' part of the prayer.

(The Pie Jesu' section is much more well known)


  1. Ouch, sorry you have a UTI, so painful. Drink lots, water that is, or maybe Cranberry juice which is supposed to help. Hopeyou feel better soon.

    1. Thank you. I'm hoping early antibiotics has stopped it before it got fairly started...

  2. UTIs are miserable, get well soon. There's been a lot to cope with lately, and being emotionally drained makes one more susceptible to such thigs, I think

  3. Feel better soon!
    I must admit that I sometimes bundle up and sit outside especially on days when it's too snowy to go out for a walk. I love watching the birds in the garden, flitting about on snowy branches and popping in to the feeders for a nice meal. It cheers me up!

    1. They are fascinating and very interesting to watch

  4. I hope you continue to feel better as the day wears on. You have earned some rest and relaxation.

  5. I hope that you feel better soon. Take care.
