My Thought for today came from today's Lent Reflection;
If you give what you’ve got
You’ll receive what you need.
At the end of the reflection there are always a couple of 'to do' suggestions. The second of today's was
Sit down with Mister God and have an honest chat about one thing, be it small or large, that you need to give away. Then give it away.
I wondered if it meant possessions, or did it mean old hurts and grudges, old resentments, habits of self-pity... plenty to think about there.
('Mister God' is how the little girl in the book, Anna, always addresses God in her prayers.
I started on the first part of Turning The Heel. And I started again... and again... and again!
If at first you don't succeed, try again. And again. Here's hoping it will be third time lucky.
We had a lovely, lovely afternoon. Our son and daughter came for the afternoon. We went to my father’s flat so they could look round and have an opportunity to say what they would like to keep, for the memory, or because they would find it useful.
All the family is having a opportunity, or even several opportunities, to think about things. We'll sort it all out later, before we start the long job of clearing his flat. Luckily we're not under any time pressure; hopefully avoiding hasty decisions and unhappy people.
But it was so lovely to have the four of us sitting around the table in the garden with tea, hot chocolate and cake. (And blankets, coats, scarves... it is still March!)
What could I choose to illustrate 'letting go'
How about John Cage's famous, notorious, infamous even, piece called 4'33"?
Letting go of everything, even sound?
If you would prefer sound though, here is Arvo Part's Spiegal im spiegal, for violin and piano. Mysterious, mesmerising, like standing between two mirrors facing each other...
ReplyDeleteThe Cage or the Part? Or both?
DeleteAah thanks - this was my first Arvo Part piece, several decades ago. Now ones of my faves, with several CDs.
ReplyDeleteI think it was my first one too. It is astonishing.