Thursday, 20 March 2025

Thursday 20th March - Another Notturno

BB has started building another model. It was his birthday recently and son sent him a Book Nook flower shop kit. 

Large hands make constructing all the tiny vases of flowers quite a challenge...

Now, about that Notturno;

Sencosue mentioned there is a Notturno piano trio by  Franz Schubert (the one we've all heard of!). I hadn't come across this; I'm only just beginning to listen to more chamber music and there is a lot to discover.

I do know the Schubert Trout Quintet, and his C major quintet (tissues at the ready for the slow movement every time) but not the Notturno trio.

I went hunting.  There are several recordings varying in length from 8 and a half minutes to nearly 15 minutes... wow, that's quite a difference in time!

I plumped the the longer recording, mainly because the pianist was none other than Luc Janssun, one of the two brothers who raced through the Poulenc double Piano Concerto on the recording I posted a few days ago. 

I couldn't believe that it was the same pianist,

Here's one of the fast versions for comparison.

Another bag of Stuff has left the house - mostly straight into the bin. I did consult with daughter before I chucked it; it was her stuff after all. I unearthed it all from a half-forgotten drawer when I was looking for something else. There were a few items that went into the charity bag; a hat, some gloves, a small empty tin, but the rest was all 'unwantable' by anyone. That's another win in the emptying the house project. 

I've come to the conclusion that my approach to clearing clutter is the same as my approach to losing weight... slowly, slowly, slowly... a few small bags of clutter, a few ounces of excess avoid du pois at a time! I'm in this for the long term..,

Thank you, bloggers and commenters, for all the suggestions, recommendations, recipes, craft and gardening tips, encouragement and companionship! Long may we all continue! 

Reading other people's blogs and the ensuing comments is a delight for me. I learn all kinds of things, and collect book recommendations, recipes, gardening tips, craft ideas. I feel so lucky to be part of a community all sharing our interests and the ups and downs in our lives, and encouraging each other as we go. Thank you, everyone. 



  1. Model making requires oodles of patience, too!

    1. It plays to his strengths, exposes my weaknesses!

  2. I do agree with you, so much can be gained from reading blogs. Sometimes its just admiration for the writing stype, sometimes recipes and ideas. All so worthwhile.

  3. And I have found so many wonderful friends in blogland

  4. It's like an international pen friend land ❤️

  5. That is lovely to hear the long and short versions of the Notturno. I too love the Quintet and it makes me cry. Lovely stuff. I like your drawing of hands, they are so hard to draw. Your husband must have such patience, oh how I wish I had, although I am patient with children but far less with adults and making anything. Ho hum such is life. My husband is very calm and patient, I am so lucky. Regards Sue H

    1. He's doing some more on the model now! Schubert is a very underrated composer...

  6. I don't know what Schubert at all but I really enjoyed it! LIked the Pizzicato a lot! Well done on the clearing! I took some bags to the charity shop today and some hangers back to the drycleaner plus a whole load of plastic to the COOP for recycling. I've also added a few bits and pieces to my school bag for my colleague and her daughters and a glass to go to school as we couldn't seem to find any glasses anywhere. Need to clear out a few more things too

    1. Clearing things, and sorting out recycling, really makes me feel better!

  7. Wow good for your husband! It must be so fiddly. He must have really good eyesight and lots of patience!

    1. He keeps three pairs of reading glasses of different strengths in his pencil pot!
