Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Tuesday 25th March - what have I missed?


 Fish, and sausage rolls. I'm doing better than last time when I forgot quite a number of items. We can manage a whole week without fish and sausage rolls; there's plenty of fish in the freezer.

I get to the point when I'm doing the online shopping order when I lose the will to continue and just checkout, fingers crossed and hope for the best. There's always the corner shop down the road.


I have to share this. I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I could have eaten the whole pan of sprouts (once my most hated and feared vegetable) and left the casserole and baked potato behind.

I sweated some finely diced onion and thinly sliced sticks of celery in a tiny little bit of oil in a non-stick pan. When they were soft I tipped in a generous quantity of shredded sprouts and stirred it all around until everything was well mixed. Then I added a little water and a quarter teaspoon of Marigold vegetable stock powder, a bay leaf and a squeeze of lemon, put the lid on, and simmered it until it was all just cooked and the water had almost completely evaporated.

Sorry, no quantities - I don't think it's that crucial. 

I shall never do sprouts any other way again! 


I'm still enjoying 'Reading Lessons' by Carol Atherton but it's not exactly light reading.

So, for relaxation I've begun another 99p cheap kindle deal called 'Starter Villain' by John Scalzi. Not a murder mystery, at least not so far, more of a fantasy thriller;

I haven't met amy 'laugh-out-loud funny' passages yet, but it has raised a smile. It's set in a non-specific contemporary USA; so far politics haven't featured - phew. The action is all fast and whacky and full of trusts and turns.

The sentient cats caught me by surprise, and also the talking dolphins (!) Their command of English is decidedly Anglo-Saxon, but they haven't featured much so far.

It's certainly light-weight, but has some intriguing ideas. Early days yet; I'm reading on to see how it develops.

It's no longer 99p on kindle anymore, by the way)


How about the theme tune for the popular radio drama broadcast on radio between 1946 and 1951; 'Dick Barton Special Agent'. I don't think I've ever listened to an episode, but the music is very familiar.


  1. Sprouts sound delicious.I sometimes add little bits of chopped fried bacon to sprouts.

    1. I have already added bacon lardons to my grocery order for my bubble and squeak, so handy for sprouts as well!

  2. Dick Barton was replaced on "The Home Service" by The Archers. Every few years they repeat It on Radio 4 Exrra (last time was november 23) But the theme tune "Devil's Galop" (only one L) occasion crops up in other radio programmes.

    1. When I wrote the post, I considered looking up to see if BBC had rerun episodes, then I thought 'I bet Ang already knows'😄

  3. I used to really like brussel sprouts. The way you cooked them sound tasty!

    1. I think they changed the characteristics of sprouts over the years to improve the flavour. I still shudder at the memory of soggy school sprouts at dinner. Ugh

  4. Your recipe for sprouts sounds delicious.
    'Dick Barton, Special Agent' has a special place in my husband's heart!

    1. I had some leftover sprouts in my bubble and squeak this morning... such decadence. I know how to live.
      I shall try to listen to some Dick Barton stories; they sound more exciting than The Archers which relaced it (sharp intake of breath from dedicated Archers listeners, no doubt!)

  5. RannedomThoughts26 March 2025 at 11:44

    Have you tried sprouts raw, shredded in salad? Yum.

    1. I have added them to coleslaw in the past; I feel an experimental salad making moment coming closer...!

  6. Great song, thank you. It sounds familiar, even though I've never heard of the radio play.
    Best wishes to you.

    1. I think it is played whenever something fast and rather crazy is happening in a play or comedy act or on radio!
