Monday, 31 December 2012

New year's Eve 2012 - Resolutions

The resolutions I came up with for 2012 have worked out pretty well, so I think I'll stick with them for the coming year. I deliberately chose resolutions that would be easy to keep, that were slightly "good", and that would make me feel good about life, and myself, and the world in general. I really, really, don't need to set myself up to fail!

So, here they are:

1. Take a charity bag (unspecified size) with some (unspecified quantity) unwanted stuff (unspecified contents) to a charity shop at least once a month.

Some months I forgot to take any, but then in other months I took two bags. When my parents were moving I took loads of their stuff (hey, I never specified WHOSE stuff had to be taken to the charity shop!) By the way, I have discovered that our AgeUK shop will take rags, and all those irritating little snips of fabric left over from dressmaking and patchwork.

I reckon I probably came close to keeping this one. Think I'll "bank" some bags by taking several in January to get ahead.

2. Eat some chocolate every week.

I didn't keep track of how well I did with this resolution last year either, but I reckon that I kept to it  well enough. My piano pupils have ensured that I have enough to get started on this resolution from tomorrow without delay.

I might add a new resolution; light some candles from time to time. Today I used the last of a box of festive extra-long matches handed over to us by friends when they emigrated about 20 years ago. I used it to light the advent candle, which has only got as far as day 6.

I've also lit the "God Jul" twirly-whirly that we brought back from a memorable trip to Copenhagen just before Christmas 2010. It seems an appropriate message for tonight. (Yes, I do know that "God" means "Good" - but I enjoy the double reading)

In a couple of hours we will go round to my father's flat and see in the New Year with him, and my brother's family.

What will the New Year bring?

I visited my mother with my father and brother this afternoon for a "goal-setting" meeting. There are some formidable obstacles to be overcome if there is to be any chance of her coming home. At the moment she needs two nurses to move her, see to her personal needs, reposition her in her chair or in the bed. She has no connection with her left side at all yet. If she came home, she would need carers to come in the morning, at lunchtime, and in the evening to get her up, take her to the toilet, and tuck her up at night, all a two person job using a hoist. Once in bed, she would have to stay there until the morning. I doubt she could be left alone in the flat for any length of time during the day or night.  

On the plus side, she is still improving little by little, mentally and physically. It's just that there will have to be a "step change" in the rate of progress, in every area, physically and mentally. We'll meet again for another review in three weeks, and then decisions can be made, will have to be made. Until then - well, there's some hard work to be done by all of us.

I think I'll just eat some chocolate now.


  1. The chocolate and charity bag resolutions sound like good ones to continue with in 2013. Eating chocolate right now sounds an even better idea.

    Hope you enjoy the time with your family this evening and my best wishes and prayers for the steps you'll all need to be taking in the year ahead.


  2. Same from me! And I agree about the chocolate and charity bags.

    I've got a Swedish twirly-whirly like yours but with elks. We keep it on the mantelpiece where, if the fire's alight, the elks spin round beautifully without needing a candle. Happy New Year! Savour your chocolate now.
