The other child will be moving out soon, (fingers and toes crossed that everything goes according to plan).
Of course, these children are children no more - I'm not even sure that they are in the category of "young people". They are real, proper "grown-ups" these days. (So what does that make us - be Very Careful how you answer that one.)
The thing is, that when they move, they take what they want with them. The pans and plates bought for university, their bedding, their "tech"; all that gets packed up and relocated. Everything else is just, well, resting, dozing, relaxing, chilling out, lazing around, in the drawers, on the shelves, in the cupboards.
well, that's another story.
So, our son's room is pretty much as he left it, four years ago, with the addition of the daughter's university clearance boxes, and various odds and ends of ours, and a clothes drying rack for drying laundry in bad weather, and extra sheets and bedding that won't fit into the airing cupboard (why won't it fit? It always used to, and we could even shut the door on it too.)
Our plans to turn it into an Office, or a Real Spare Bedroom (I've never had one of those in any house that I've owned - only seen them in television programmes or in show homes) have never happened. Sometimes I force my way past the damp clothes into the small space of clear carpet, size up the task, and back away (literally - no room to turn round in there).

When the daughter moves out, we have plans to make her room into a Real Spare Room. We intend to move into it ourselves, so that we can replace the remnants of the dying carpet in our room with a wooden floor, and decorate properly - heheheh, watch out, you horrible brown dahlias on the walls, after thirty years your days are finally numbered - and have a Real Master Bedroom of our very own.
I have a feeling things may not be quite so clear cut. I suspect that daughter is planning to take what she wants to her flat, and we will be left with her "semi-precious" ornaments, clothes, books, treasures, accoutrements, equipages, school and university study notes and textbooks, stacks of old magazines, models, and all the rest... is just, well, resting in the drawers, on the shelves, in the cupboards.

It would be too, too cruel to pack up their "stuff" into crates and boxes and just dump it on them in their small flats.
I suppose the answer is to pack it up and put it into the loft.
Have you tried to get into our loft recently?
Quite so.
That is NOT going to be the solution.
Meanwhile, may I recommend you read this? (You know who you are..... and I am including myself!)
Who says that boxes are only needed when you move in or out of your house? With all the things your daughter left in her room, I think boxes are needed once again. Anyhow, I checked out the list and it's really helpful. Making your home a clutter-free area is a real challenge, and one definitely needs a guideline like this for him or her to have something to concentrate on, especially those that need to be prioritized.
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