Tuesday 6 August 2013

Tuesday 6th August - A selection of Emergency Rainbows


The other day I posted on rain falling outside the back door, but not outside the front door.

Yesterday, rain fell off and on all day outside both days, but that's not the point of this post. Neither am I going to wax lyrical or sarcastical about the way I sat dithering about the washing in a great tub waiting to be hung up to dry - inside over the bath, or outside in the sun/rain/sun/rain? (I left it in the tub all day and hung it up inside when I went to bed.)

No; today I'm just posting about rainbows as two readers responded to the August Fool post with emergency rainbows!

This came from a friend:

"A number of years ago it was popular to buy plastic credit-card-sized greetings and sayings. I found this one and bought several – giving them away to people who needed some uplifting. I kept this one tucked into the corner of my dressing table mirror and it is now the only one I have left. It has gotten very faded over the years... Anyway, imagine the trees are green, the mountain is greyish-purple, and the rainbow at the top has it proper colours. It’s the message that’s most important."

It's a rubbish copy of her picture - I can copy and paste it into the post fine, but then it doesn't display on anyone's computer except mine - why is that, I wonder? So I have used my phone to photograph the picture on the computer screen. Where there's a Will there's a Way!

The other rainbow is a link to a photograph. It's a real beauty: http://thomasmccorkell.me.uk/gallery/sky/464

Finally, here's one I took two years ago on a NEVER-TO-BE-FORGOTTEN trip to Canada - never-to-be-forgotten for so many, many reasons:

This is at Niagara Falls - one of the most awe-inspiring places I have ever, ever, ever been to in my whole life. The shadowy outline at the base of the falls is the boat, "Maid of the Mist" which takes you up-close-and-personal into the tremendous dark, thundery waterworld of the falls.

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