Monday, 4 November 2013

Monday 2nd November - Epic Fail

Yes, it IS Monday, no, it's NOT the 2nd November.

So maybe I typed the post for 2nd November in invisible pixels - ok?

If I had been concentrating, perhaps I wouldn't have failed the NaBloPoMo challenge on day 2; so here's a post to make up for the invisible one.

Oh bother. I can't think of anything to say.

I've been up too long already - long enough to write this week's to-do list, go for a routine blood test, post the blood test, (did you know that the post office vans are full of Very Dodgy Parcels containing blood and WORSE?), write and post two cards while spilling and drinking what was left of a flat white, (VERY WOBBLY TABLE - not impressed) do the shopping, put away the shopping, hang out laundry, reload the washing machine, arrange a doctor's appointment, update my calendar, read a recipe (Helston Pudding on, read a blogpost (something techy and incomprehensible on  and now catch up with NaBloblahblah whatsit.

So, nothing I n t e r e s t i n g to post but you've gotta post something.

have a picture instead

hey ho. It's come out sideways. Good job most of you have bendy necks.


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