Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Tuesday 22nd December - Sit-rep 22

Blog posts with this title concern my mother's current situation. Family and friends will know more of the background and context, and this is primarily for them.

I am pleased to report that the replacement Advent candle is working fine. I mean burning well.

My father went this morning; it was all a bit of a whirl. First the physiotherapist who has been treating my mother for the past two-and-a-half years came to do her stuff. Then, an hour or so later, the lady who has been looking after the beauty side of things and giving my mother a weekly massage came. For my mother that was quite a full schedule. By the time all this was finished, I expect my mother was feeling both wonderful and exhausted. Probably just as well that the doctor rescheduled for tomorrow.

We (my husband and I, to quote a famous personage) rolled up later in the afternoon, and found her fast asleep. We didn't have to wait very long though, before she woke. We'd been given a little list of requirements to bring; bed socks (she gets cold feet), The Spectator (she gets bored) and a selection of earrings (all gilt and glass, from my personal collection).     

The "Abu Dhabi" earrings are now with me ("unless they start crying and want to come back"). My mother made her choice from the ones I offered; rejecting the round green beads and the little blue diamond drops, but adding the blue dangly ones that I was wearing.

It has turned into a bit of a game between us.

We chatted for a while about this and that; she has ordered the full Christmas Dinner

"How am I going to be able eat the smoked salmon?"
"I expect they will puree it, like into a pate, or a mousse"
"How will I eat that if they can't put it on bread or toast?"
"They can put it on a teaspoon"
(Laughing) "Oh take her home, what is she like!"

We discussed what she  might like to give my father for a Christmas present; our suggestion was met with her approval so we left. She was now getting very tired and sleepy again, and we wanted to try and buy the present before the shops closed (Success).

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