Wednesday 2 August 2017

Wednesday 2nd August -

He that has a little tiny wit, 
With hey, ho, the wind and the rain,
Must make content with his fortunes fit, 
Though the rain it raineth every day.

And it is.
Raining. And will be, today and tomorrow, according to the forecast.

That's because I went out and watered my brussel sprout plants this morning. Wonder of wonders, there are tiny little sprouts growing all up the stems!

The french beans and the peas are finished, and I shall chuck them in the compost bin, caterpillars and all, once the rain stops.

I am wondering if I can summon the determination to start doing walks, a couple of times a week. I have set himself the challenge of gathering together a portfolio of Interesting Walks, of around 2-3 miles, mostly on level-ish terrain, preferably including a coffee shop, and not too far from here - say up to 45 mins drive.
No, not there.

And not today, unless we weatherproof and boot up.

(King Lear, Act 3, Scene 2)

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