Monday, 26 February 2018

Monday 26th February - The Calm Before the Storm

I expect you think the blog title refers the the incoming weather

but no,

I am thinking of this being my last day off work before I leap back into the fray.

I am starting gently, with a couple of private students this evening. See how that goes.

I tackled an "extreme" killer suduko puzzle this morning with some success, so that is a step up from yesterday. Not this one; I've got it from the internet, and would rate it as heading for "extreme"

I've finished reading "Summer Story" by Jill Barklem, the second of the Brambly Hedge series. Dusty Dogwood, the miller and Poppy Eyebright, who runs the dairy, get married.

"Poppy Eyebright, do you love Dusty Dogwood, and will you love him and care for him for ever and ever?"
"I will."
"Dusty Dogwood, do you love Poppy, and will you love her and look after her for ever and ever?"
"I will."
"Then in the name of the flowers and the fields, the stars in the sky, and the streams that flow down to the sea, and the mystery that breathes wonder into all these things, I pronounce you mouse and wife."

Altogether "Ahhhh." 

A shorter and simpler ceremony than ours, all those years ago. Our cake did have three tiers, as I remember... 

And a timely reminder that Summer will come again. .

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