Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Friday 11th January - The Sea

'was it last Saturday or Sunday that we went to Lancing?'


'it was Friday'.

The South coast beaches are mostly pebbles and Lancing is no exception. We didn't find an attractive heart of the town (if there is one) -  there is is an almost continuous straggle of larger and smaller and older and newer houses, bungalows and blocks of flats along the sea front from Worthing to Brighton and beyond.

The reason for Lancing was I had heard of a restaurant on the beach called 'The Perch', and I wanted to see the sea.

Friday was cold and grey, and I was tempted to stay in - but I'm always tempted to stay in and it was past time that I went somewhere, saw something, did something. So off we went.

It was a good call - we had a table by the window overlooking the sea, the food was excellent (oh my, those chips! I would go back just for them) and the weather, undecided at first between getting colder and greyer or brighter and sunnier, plumped for the latter so we took a short stroll along the front before we returned home.

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