Sunday 1 November 2020

Sunday 1st November - More stars

 I managed to ink up my linocut

I am SOOOOO pleased! 

I shall want to redo them, no that I have tried out using the cutting blades, and seen how they turn out.

The two fuzzier prints are monoprints which I made at the end to use up the left-over ink. I shall save them to guide my thinking when I redo the lino prints later.

I also chalked a star onto the path outside our house;

I'm hoping to keep this up through November. A friend has given me a tin of chalk stubs from her craft cupboard to get me started; I'm hoping a couple of boxes of pavement chalks will arrive soon.

It has been raining for the past couple of hours... that patch of tarmac should be all cleaned off by tomorrow. 



  1. A year ago I got a linocutting set. Somehow I have not got round to using it yet!

  2. There are loads of youtube tutorials to get ideas....
