Saturday, 20 March 2021

Saturday 20th March - Equinox. Vegetables. Books. Strawberry Pots

I think one of the best things about these weird Covid times is ordering stuff on-line, and getting deliveries.

I ordered the 'Persephone Books' bi-annual newsletter, and it arrived today so I have been enjoying reading the articles. The bookshop is in Lambs Conduit Street in Bloomsbury, London - a favourite haunt. An hour or so in the shop, followed by refreshments in the nearby Foundling Hospital is my idea of a good time.

 I discovered a cache of Persephone newsletters from 2013-2014 which has been my main reading recently, and decided to order the current one. On the strength of this, I also ordered a couple of Persephone books - second-hand - which arrived today. They are sitting in 'quarantine corner, in the hall, until a few days have passed and I can open the parcel.

My 'graze box' was released from 'quarantine corner' today;

this must be one of the most extravagant ways of buying snacks, but more than half the pleasure is in getting the box through the post and discovering what is inside. Chocolate dip, cinnamon biscuits with afternoon tea, and a couple of savoury nut and crispy thingy selections. 

My Lakeland cutlery organiser box also came today and is in quarantine, especially as I suspect the order was only packed yesterday. There's another happiness moment in waiting...

Spring! Time to think about sowing seeds and so on! It is the Equinox tonight - I'm sure that means something important. Equal day and night. I've had good reason to order a strawberry planter for the plants that have recovered from being delivered as nearly-dead stalks last week and need to go into something more substantial than some pots in the spare bedroom. Also a plastic trowel that can live outside the back door for the unlovely task of clearing up after the foxes (they 'dump' on the grass) and our ancient cats (they 'dump' on top of the soil in the flowerbeds). And another load of seeds for more exotic veg than the ones I have two packets of already.

This year I am determined to have a more serious attempt at following this planting scheme;

 The plan is to have a number of large tubs, each of which will have a spring crop followed by a summer crop of vegetables. Judging by the illustrations and the instructions in 'All You Can Eat in Three Square Feet' it should be simple. I've made notes, and bought seeds, and acquired soil and tubs. I wonder how close my efforts will get to these photographs. Watch this space.


  1. Putting parcels in quarantine- I remember that! We dont bother now, the virus generally does not like postmen, and it takes weeks for stuff to arrive. If you posed a dead body it would be skeletonised before it arrived. We ordered some books from America, well before Christmas. They came this week.

  2. Another keen gardener. Not starting yet here though. 10Cm of snow yesterday, and -16C promised for next week. I loved my allotment in Bradford, and our garden here is about 200M square. Loads of fruit now (after 11 years here) and plenty of veg.
