Friday 6 January 2023

Friday 6th January - Light at the end of the tunnel

This morning I had four ENORMOUS tasks that were overdue. This evening I have just one left.

(A round of applause at this point is appreciated, but not vital)

Task Number 1 was sorting out a delivery of supplies before I ran out in three weeks time. I had logged onto the website at the beginning of the week and had a chat with the chatbot... but heard nothing back. I rummaged through the email folders until I found an email address. The company emails seem to be headed CS which is not entirely helpful. 

(When I was working in about twelve different schools very week, emails from the various school offices all had just plain 'office' in the email address header - I don't know what its proper name is - and quite frequently were informing me of some change to the schedule, and signed 'Mary', so it was a bit of a gamble when it came to working out which school wanted me to cancel/rearrange/supply information. But I digress).

I had an automated reply from the website to let me know that they would deal with it in three working days. Whoah! That meant it might not get looked at until Tuesday next week! I reached for the phone and spoke to someone who sorted everything out, so I can sleep soundly again.

Task Number 2; Ang's postcard project landed on the front doormat yesterday. Which meant I really, REALLY needed to complete mine and post it, especially as we plan to finish on the 28th January, a year after we first started discussing it.

This will mine to keep. I need to design and stitch a project in the next three weeks. I can do that! I just have to choose quickly and stay focused. For some reason mine seems to have fewer pictures, but I think that is my fault for taking two months to do the address and the stamp, when Ang managed the address (under the notebook) and the stamp in the same month. 

What shall I do this time? Hmm. I have an idea slowly taking form.

I've done a photograph like this of Ang's piece, but won't post until tomorrow when she might have received hers. I hope it doesn't get delayed and give her problems meeting the 28th January due date.  

Task Number 3 was the January 'Print and Post' Newsletter. It is accomplished and up on the pages section. Christmas, can I blame it on Christmas? No, not really. But I did have problems clarifying some ideas, and sourcing pictures. It is very hard to find pictures of 'things in flower in January' when you are writing in December. In then end I did my own.

Which means that I have also done some stuff in my sketch book today. Now, if I mange to do a duolingo lesson, 1000 steps on the spot to hit my daily step target of 2023, the 5 minutes 'stretch and mobilise' balletbasedmovement session for Friday, the '5 mins deep breathing' for the Zoe app habit tracker, knit a few rounds of my sock, and also play the piano for a bit, all before bedtime (it is only a quarter past 5, after all) I will have hit every target today and only have one outstanding task for tomorrow, which is to write detailed notes on a student's Scarlatti piano sonata recording that she sent me before Christmas.

Did you keep a count? That's 6 possible things to do before bedtime.




  1. **Rapturous round of applause!**
    Well done, you did well to get all this done!
    I am a lazy slug who has not managed to achieve her targets this holiday or today even remotely and I volunteered to go and play flute 2 at a rehearsal tomorrow- arhg!!
    I am so excited to see the finished other postcard!!

    1. Oh, playing in an orchestral rehearsal wins over admin every time!
