Sunday 16 April 2023

Sunday 16th April - Contemplation - Meditation - whatever you call it

I host a weekly zoom church home group. If you are not familiar home groups, many churches encourage members of the congregation to join a midweek group for friendship, and also Christian study/prayer etc. 

Our's is not a typical on-line group as three of the members are non-zoomers, so stay in touch by weekly emails about the meeting that they didn't join. Another member doesn't do internet, so I post a copy of the email, and she zooms from a friend's house. It works for us.

Now that Lent has finished, and Easter Day is past, as usual we come to the question of what to do next?

We have decided to take a small chunk - a verse or two - from the Bible, and just sit with it in silence for 5 minutes, before sharing our thoughts. No notes, no carefully prepared questions to answer, no right or wrong answers...  

All the above is by way of introduction to what I am suggesting to you; take five minutes during the day (morning suits me) and contemplate something.

I plan to take one line at a time from The Lord's Prayer, and just think about it, and see where my thoughts travel to, every morning, starting from today. And my thoughts today were to share this idea with you. 

Now, you might not be a Christian - you might not be religious at all.

So, instead of contemplating 'The Lord's Prayer', line by line, you could choose a prayer or story from your own faith. Or, if you don't want to think about religious topics, I could make suggestions; here's a week's worth of hopefully neutral topics for contemplation;

A tree

A house

A fire

An apron

A flower

The sun

A road

Five minutes of slow, silent, contemplation, linking images and thoughts together. Why not give it a go?




  1. At our church, we've been challenged to read a chapter of the book of acts each day since Easter Sunday for 4 weeks. I'm not doing as well as some of my friends !!

    1. we were supposed to be reading Acts too - a Chapter a week through Lent. Nope. Didn't happen!

  2. A good way to preface the contemplation, depending on size of group, is to have three different people read the short verse or passage aloud in sequence.

    1. Thanks, that sound a really good idea. K
