Tuesday 16 May 2023

Tuesday 16th May - A Gentle Day

It took a while to work out what to wear. On the whole I avoid putting part-worn clothes back in cupboards or drawers, but with weather as changeable as it is at the moment what I wore yesterday will be too cold for today, and today's choices will be too warm/cold for tomorrow...

which is why ended up with two fleece jackets (one if which should be on the hooks downstairs but I was wearing it all yesterday evening) and a warm shirt and a lightweight fleece top all draped on the bedpost at the foot of the bed;

with my jeans, socks, a thermal vest and a sweater all lying on the bed ready for me to choose from.

I've ended up with the shirt and a fleece jacket, and returned the downstairs outdoor fleece to the hall. Turns out it was just about right for today, but what about tomorrow? 

Cross-stitch; I've cut out two day's worth of stitching and restitched one day's worth today. It looks a lot better so I'm glad I finally decided to do this.

I had a problem with my oxygen saturation levels today; the only reason I can think of was maybe not drinking enough yesterday and the day before and being a bit over-tired. 

In the end I recognised my grumpy, irritable mood, and general sleepy lethargy for what they were; Not a real state of mind, but symptoms low O2 levels. I checked, and it was around 80%! Usually I can get back to a more reasonable 90-93% with deep breathing and resting but not this time.

Half an hour on the portable oxygen concentrator did the trick; within ten minutes I suddenly became cheerful, my eyes stopped feeling heavy and I was able to potter around happily again. It's a nifty little unit that I can carry about like a slightly heavy handbag - so easy and convenient. 

My current Audible listen is 'Thornyhold' by Mary Stewart. I have read this several times before, and for some reason the combination of the story and the narrator does a lovely job of sending me to sleep in about 15 minutes. I mean no disrespect to author or narrator; this is exactly what I look for in a bedtime story. David Suchet reading the Bible has exactly the same effect but it seems disrespectful to choose this for its soporific qualities. 

When ever I read or write the word 'soporific' I always think of 'The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies' and how they fell asleep after eating too many of Mr MacGregor's lettuces 


  1. Soporific is a word that so many children learn early, all due to those rabbits!

  2. There's a Beatrix Potter Garden in Dunkeld (she spent her summers in Scotland as a child) We drove past yesterday but did not visit!

    1. Will you get a chance to go back to it? So much to see, so few days...
