Thursday 20 July 2023

Thursday 20th July - this, no, that, no, the other...

 I had the subject for my post all set up in my mind... this picture from an article in The Gaurdian this morning (I'm still enjoying the pressreader app!)

I am 'certain sure' that I have more than however number of possessions she has. She writes that realised she could do without 99% of them, so if 12,667 is 99% then - oh you do the maths. Anyway, it's a Lot of Stuff. She photographed every dish and tea cup etc separately, and every item in every drawer. I reckon I'd get close to 12,667 just photographing the contents of all the junk drawers. Yes, we do have a lot of those.

Anyway, events overtook this post. I had a few prunes (delicious) for breakfast, and researched 'devils on horseback'. These are prunes (or dates) which might be stuffed with almonds (or not) wrapped in bacon and baked in the oven. Originally served as a 'savoury' at the end of a multicourse Edwardian style dinner, but also served as canapés or with the Christmas Dinner. I shan't risk them on Himself. That might be asking too much of True Love.

I'm interested in bacon again, since I discovered that you can place 2 rashers on a piece of kitchen paper, cover with another piece, and microwave for 2 minutes. In our microwave that produces the very crispy bacon that you can crumble as a garnish. Tomorrow I shall see what happens if you substitute bread for the kitchen paper.... instant bacon sandwich? I will report back.

All this was overshadowed by an involved conversation with the surgery pharmacist. I have been prescribed iron tablets, one twice a day. Oh my days. It took some really hard thinking to work out when to take them. I have to avoid taking calcium meds within 2 hours before or after taking the iron tablets. I take a calcium supplement twice a day. The same restrictions apply to consuming milk or whole grain cereals or eggs or tea.

After a lot of thought I have produced a written timetable to sort out which pills I take at breakfast, midmorning, midafternoon, teatime and bedtime. Wish me luck.

I've also changed breakfast from wholegrain ceresl and coffee with just a splash of milk to a croissant and the coffee. Good job we bought those prunes!

I'll use our remaining wholemeal bread for the bacon sandwiches experiment and making bread and butter pudding for lunch times.


  1. I dare not enumerate my possessions. It would embarrass me to realise how many I have. Your computer has a very random autocorrect. Or is "Vakes Erpot Gard" your family motto in Latin? It's gone 11:30 and far too late for me to be reading blogs and commenting.

    1. I think I have found the typos now! Maybe I should stop requiring my blog readers to be proofreaders as well?

  2. I apologise - but they were such fun words! I've typed some weird stuff in my time too. After I read this post, around midnight I found myself (mentally) enumerating my teatowel collection. Indigestion was getting in the way of sleep...

    1. No need to apologise! I listen to The Boring Talks on BBC sounds on headphones, the sort that are in a headband, when I can't sleep. Works every time.

  3. It does make you wonder what else she might have done in the time it took to photograph the thousands of possessions?

    1. Well, yes indeed. I think it was part of the process of downsizing. I doubt it speeded things up any!
