Sunday 12 November 2023

Sunday 12th November - pen and ink, or lino cut?

This a copy of an idea on the internet; more tutorials on pen and ink drawings. I drew the mountain shapes in pencil, and the moon was simplicity itself; draw round something circular, move the object slightly, and draw the inner curve. Goodness, that was easy!

Then fill in all the sky with random cross hatchings.

The early part of the tutorial had been demonstrating the different ways of filling space. I had a go at it last night while half-watching TV.

I think the mountain scene is rather effective; the you tube presenter turned it into a Christmas card by sticking a shiny star on top of one of the mountains.

As I sat making all the little lines to fill in the sky I was thinking about how to make this into a lino cut. One I made the block, I could produce cards fairly quickly (and, to be truthful, fairly messily) by printing.

I'd have to turn my process inside out; with pen and ink, you are ADDING blackness, and it's easy enough to add a bit more dark to the picture.  With lino cutting you are SUBTRACTING blackness. With pen and ink it's easy enough to pause and consider how you are getting on. Lino cutting - well, it's going to remain an uncertainty until you print... 

Thinking will be required.



  1. It's so effective! I could imagine this being a very attractive Christmas card! My friend Margaret always makes lino cut Christmas cards- I really like them!

    1. I hope I get round to Christmas cards this year; last year they didn't happen.
      It is an effective design, isn't it!
