Thursday 9 November 2023

Thursday 8th November - High Dumpsie Dearie (2) and sweet temptations

 I am delighted with the High Dumpsie Dearie jam!

Two normal jars, one large jar, and a little bit left over. We tested it on toast, as a 'second breakfast' with our second coffees.

For once I seem to have got the set about right, not too runny, and not too solid. I'll be opening a jar just as soon as we've finished the half open strawberry jam. 

That was the first of the sweet temptations of the day. 

Sock knitting 

I've reached the point when I need the forethought/afterthought heel placement. To be strictly honest, I'm actually 3/4 inch beyond where I had planned to put the mark, but since I started at the cuff, or leg end, rather than the toe, I didn't bother to rip back. I might just have to do a contrast heel if I've used too much yarn.

I'm hoping you can make out the line of beige waste yarn, marking where the heel will be, with the two ends of the yarn just dangling around, and the loop of pink sock yarn just loosely draped across from one end of the beige knitting to the other, ready to carry on as though this interruption never happened. I've used slightly thicker wool for the waste stitches, and a bigger needle, as I reckon this makes it easier for picking up stitches either side of the beige stitches later on.

Someone posted on their blog about wanting to lose a bit of weight... I was going to reply but then halfway through tapping out the letters I tapped on something else and all my words disappeared.  So I'm posting what I am doing here instead.

There are a few points to clear up first;

I haven't got a huge amount of weight to lose; the dodgy calculator known as BMI puts me at about 10lb overweight, but I know if I aim for their target I won't be comfortable.  I'm 5' 2" and weigh around 10st 3lb on a good day, and am very slowly aiming for under 10st. I'll be pretty happy with 9st 13lb!

I take steroids (which are notorious for giving one an appetite!) because of an autoimmune condition, and I don't have much lung capacity for exercise.

So here's my thinking;

I am roughly following a 12 hour fasting window, mainly because if I eat after 6pm I know will pay for it with reflux at midnight, and 2am, and 4am, ..... especially if I eat something creamy. Having a main meal at lunchtime and a light early supper seems to be the best approach 

I don't buy cheap, or bargain, or 'essential' biscuits, sweets, cakes, desserts, or snacks. If the packet of biscuits costs a small fortune for not many inside, I find it easier to eat just one and respect it as a luxury treat, rather than scoff the lot in one go. If we have cake then I cut myself a small piece, and then cut it into bite sizes. If we are having savoury snacks I put some in a small bowl. Lids go back on tins, packets straight back into the cupboard.

I measure out my breakfast cereal - it is so easy to tip a generous amount into the bowl!

I weigh myself and write the result in my diary most days, but don't worry about slight fluctuations of a pound or so. Overall the trend seems to be downwards so that's good enough for me.

I still eat biscuits, cakes, or puddings most days and also usually have a small piece of chocolate at 'chocolate o'clock ' most evenings, so I don't feel hard done by.

I recognise that some days are what I call 'eating days' when I find myself prowling around the kitchen eating biscuits, crisps, nuts, bread and jam, anything I can find. I try and get rid of the taste of sweet food by making a cup of tea and distracting myself with a book.

All this is working; I have lost about 10lb over the year, all without any serious effort or painful sacrifice on my part.

I hope this is helpful for anyone else who is also trying to shift a few extra pounds....

Now about those other temptations today...

Himself came back from the dentist, just a check up, and no further work needed, looking pleased and clutching a pizza AND A PACKET OF MILLIONAIRE'S SHORTBREAD! And I have eaten two of them, and they were delicious. 

Tomorrow will bring more temptations in the form of toast and jam. Sufficient unto the morrow is the trouble thereof....


  1. Toast is my downfall. And church cakes.

    1. Hot buttered toast and a slightly tart jam like damson or apricot, hard to beat...
