Tuesday 14 November 2023

Tuesday 14th November - should I build an ark!

 Well! To say it was raining this morning would be an understatement! I watched it while I was cross stitching this month's picture for the November swap. Ang has posted her picture to me already... only halfway through the month! I'll be needing at least a week yet, as I only stitch for an hour each day before I lose concentration and start making mistakes. 

Luckily the rain stopped in the afternoon. I looked round the garden from the back door step. Every single thing that could hold water; buckets, saucers under plant pots, the seats of the garden chairs, was brimming.

I don't do 'wordle' every day, but today I had a go. I managed to get the word right at the last attempt; very tricksy, and - was it a 'proper' word? Not a word I ever use; I wasn't expecting it to be accepted, let alone correct!


  1. I agree with your Wordle comments. I expected my word to be rejected!

    1. The words became more noticeably more American after the game was bought by a New York newspaper, in my view.

  2. The problem is that they are American English so you get words like ARBOR and HONOR. One time the word was RALPH which is apparently an American term for vomit. This annoys me!

    1. I missed 'ralph' day (phew). But 'sassy'? 'tardy'? Huh!
