Tuesday 7 November 2023

Tuesdays 7th November - Christmas Cake (3) and etc

 No, not another cake, yet, but my third post on the topic this year.

I think this has been my favourite shopping order; golden marzipan, luxury mixed fruit, glacé cherries, mixed peel, brown sugar, treacle, ground and also flaked almonds - the list goes on and on. It will be delivered tomorrow, along with the usual weekly shopping, and I'm so looking forward to unpacking it.

I suspect I have made a nuisance of myself to the man in charge of the stores here, as squeezing everything cupboards,  fridge and freezer may tax his ingenuity somewhat. Especially the ridiculous Advent Calendar I have ordered for him, which needs to be kept in the fridge. We may use it as a countdown to the beginning of Advent...

The slow cooker prototype Christmas Cake seems to be improving with keeping; we had some with our morning coffee and I reckon it was better than yesterday. 

Tomorrow's excitement is hopefully going to be....

Drum roll.........

Slow cooker jam!

I intend to have a go at 'High Dumpsie Dearie' jam, but using a method for peach jam made in the slow cooker. You cook the fruit and jam sugar together on low for 2 hours, stirring  occasionally, and then on high, with the lid propped ajar for about another 2 hours by when it should have set. How? We shall see.

There has been significant progress on The Paper Pile which is the next stage of the Great Bedroom Upheaval; Himself went upstairs, and for about an hour there were sounds of activity from that corner of the house. Then he reappeared with a stack of papers nearly a foot high arranged in three sections; shred, recycle,  and 'further investigation'.

There's still a lot to go through but this is a great start.


  1. I made my cake today. Very early this morning a large lorry arrived, with all the new fence stuff (work due to begin on Monday) and a guy came to check on the oil tank (bad - we need to replace it before it splits) Between us we are pretty good at Make Do And Mend - but some of these jobs need expensive replacements done by the Pros. Why does it all happen at once?

    1. Hope the cake is a success!
      Why indeed to they come at once? At least it gets everything done in one fell swoop?
