Saturday 9 December 2023

Saturday 9th December - Cooking, knitting, drawing, sticking, writing

Oh, it's been All Go!

None of it work, after all I am semi-retired, aren't I? But then my poor husband, who thought he was fully retired is still working hard, not at project management but household management. Well, we do what we can... and what we can't, we can't!

So, today, 

I've caught up on doing drawings from the Jacquie Lawson Calendar. I'm not going to be able to colour them, because I drew them in the notebook I have sent off as this month's belated notebook swap.

I could always draw them again... it would be good practise.

I've been putting together next year's diary, sketchbook, notebook, everything book; 

'One Book to Rule Them All' 

 Compared to all previous years, this is ENORMOUS - a double A4 spread of cartridge paper for each week. I've created it from a sketchbook, and taped in extra pages in order to have 52 double spreads, no, 53, because I shall start it on Christmas day. The diary pages are taken from a 2024 pocket diary, cut out and taped into place. I'm up to the end of June now with taping in diary pages (yawn - slightly tedious job...) and I am so looking forward to seeing how this goes.

I tried a mock-up for a week in October;

and really enjoyed it. (I've put teddy over the diary part to avoid naming names etc). The plan - the hope, even, is that I will do more creative things through the year, and also keep ALLLLLLLL my notes in the same place instead of scattered through various books here there and everywhere.

Now that I'm not travelling around, I don't need a hand-bag sized diary. I keep a small note book in my tiny bag, and can rip pages out of that and stick them into the One Book if I want to. The plan is to just draw, doodle, write, stick things in as I go along. 

The Advent crafts for 2nd week of Advent are ready to go as scheduled posts tomorrow morning, if I've managed that correctly. I've been knitting and cooking of and on today to get them ready to post.

Now it's supper time - I shall 'shut down' for the evening....    


  1. I am in awe of your very big diary.

    1. I am too! But I enjoyed trying it out for a week back in October.

  2. So much achieved... I'm all behind with Advent stitching due to spending time with various family members this week.

    1. As far as cross stitching goes I have thought about the design and chosen the space!
