Thursday 7 December 2023

Thursday 7th December - weight, wine, chocolates...

 Thank you for all the helpful, supportive and encouraging comments yesterday, they are much appreciated. It's lovely to get comments! But I think I would carry on blogging regardless, as it is a great way of keeping in touch with friends and family. 

I'm not a great one for phones, texts and WhatsApp. I think this is because I was at boarding school in England for my secondary school, while my parents lived in the Far East. Very exotic! However telephone calls 'home' from school were out of the question, and letters took a week to travel across the globe. By the time the reply came to my queries and complaints (mainly about the food, and the tedious rules and regulations!) I would have forgotten what I had written as the next calamity had already been and gone.

The same situation continued while I was at university, and for the first few years afterwards. Now I do ring my father most evenings (he's 94, and lives on his own in sheltered flats quite close to us) but not so much the rest of the family. I was brought up on 'no news is good news!'

Anyway, I digress.


Today I reached a mini milestone of 10 stone. I've been very slowly trying to say goodbye to about 14 pounds, and just have 3 or 4 to go. It's going to be a great saving on buying clothes! 

My plan of persuading Best Beloved to split the portions roughly 2/3 or even 3/4 to him instead of half each seems to be working. He's looking better, and so am I.  It's so unfair; he can lose weight as easily as I can put it on.


We had steak for lunch, not as a special occasion celebration thing; it comes up every so often (every so seldom!) So we had wine. It seemed very decadent, wine in the middle of the day. A glass of red, and a piece of cheese after the meal to go with any remaining wine in the glass is a real treat. There's still half a bottle to look forward to tomorrow.


Losing weight or not, we still have chocolate o'clock most days. Twice a day through Advent as we have two chocolate calendars each. I did a bit of Google go as discovered that on chocolate, the sort you would find in a box of chocolates, is only about 55 calories. So that's ok then.

There you'are; I promised you trivia; it's been a trivial sort of day (apart from steak, wine, chocolates, that is)


  1. Well done on the weight loss. Interesting to know that about chocolate box chocolates. They taste nicer than the bars do. I wear a mask just about everywhere and avoid crowds. It is common sense to me. Hugs.

    1. I would rather have just 1 chocolate from a really nice box, than a bar of ordinary chocolate!

  2. I believe dark chocolate is actually good for you - unfortunately, I don't really like it! We usually enjoy a square or two from a bar most evenings - I try to pick the bars with the biggest squares!! :-)

    1. Sadly I'm not a fan of dark chocolate either, so I can't really justify my chocolate consumption on health grounds!

  3. I have banned myself from chocolate as I put on weight so easily in the Winter......all that hibernation, you understand.

  4. I admire your strength of will!
