Friday 2 February 2024

Friday 2nd February - Candlemas

Snowdrops are called Canflemas Lilies in France, I believe. From just one or two buds and some promising clumps of leaves back at Christmas we now have quite a display.

When the long border was being discussed,  I said I wanted something new to look forward to every month. I have no idea what this shrub is, but it has tiny weeny flowers out now.

This morning was depressingly cloudy and cold when I went off for what I hope will become a daily toddle up and down our road through February. (Rain or shine? Err, maybe...)

I went a little bit further, about 360 yards today, whereas yesterday was 220 yards. I could have gone a little bit further still, but thought I'd leave it in the hope of an easy 'win' tomorrow. I like to set my targets low and exceed them, rather than strain to attain them.

On the way back I found a tiny bit of twig encrusted with lichen. This is for examining j der a magnifying glass, after reading the next season in my Nature's Calendar in 72 Seasons book.

I put the pen in for scale. They are fascinating organisms, a kind of symbiosis of algae and funghi. It's the theme of the next day or so.

And here's the 'noticing exercise' for February. This has got me thinking of various ideas I could have a go at.

I've done today's sketch, but won't post (even though I'm quite pleased it) because it features a friend’s family member and I have a policy of avoiding pictures like that.


  1. Your plant is Sarcococca confusa or communally known as Christmas box on a warm day it gives off a honey scent the tiny flowers pack quite a punch and are followed by black berries.

    1. Thank you, I'll go and give it a sniff tomorrow!

  2. If that shrub is highly scented it could be a Sarcococca confusa. Not sure why it's confused .

  3. Jane has beat me too it. I agree, had one many years ago, sometimes called Sweet Box. Should have a lovely scent.

    1. Thank you - in future I shall direct all my horticultural queries to my fellow bloggers, you all know your plants!

  4. Lovely snowdrops and I think that plant is Sweet Box, a lovely scent.

    1. Great minds are clearly thinking alike today! Thank you.
