Saturday 3 February 2024

Saturday 3rd February

 Another grey day. But never mind - it was dry, which made it easier for me to go out for a walk.

Before went out I had a go at painting some pebbles from the garden, using the Posca paint markers I was given for Christmas. I did the snowdrops first, then the daffodils.  I'm not sure the aconites on the left were as successful. 

These pebbles are a nod towards February's 'noticing exercise. I'm balancing then on the wall in our front garden;

to mark off the days in February, and also as an incentive to walk every day. I wonder if they will stay there, of if passers-by might take one? I'm half inclined to write a 'please take one' sign... there are loads of pebbles in the garden. 

I've also put proper shoes on. Yesterday and the day before I just stuck my feet into my favourite old shoes which should have been retired long ago as the elastic sides are completely gone and my feet just slop around. But so comfortable!

I walked further, firstly, before I had to stop for breath, and secondly in terms of distance. Hooray! About 360 yards.

After much dithering we decided we would meet up with our children in the afternoon in the hope that, as on Friday and Thursday the afternoon would be sunny and warmer.

Well, that did slightly happen; there was a little bit of sun at about 3, and the wind died, so we were able to be together outside for tea/coffee/hot chocolate and cake/bara brith/scones with cream and jam according to choice. It was lovely to catch up; our last meeting was on Christmas Eve, and Daughter couldn't come then.

On the way there and back I looked at the trees, comparing the shapes of the branches. So that was what I chose to sketch today.


  1. We saw the snowdrops at our nearest NT property today. So lovely!

  2. Mine too. My little snowdrop ring has finally emerged and looks pretty

    1. I think watching out for spring flowers, like watching for visitors to arrive, is one of the joys and compensations of this time of year.
