Sunday 4 February 2024

Sunday 4th February

 I've managed another walk today, and reached the end of our road - hooray! It was really a bit too far, as I discovered on the way back, but with several pauses for breath and a certain dogged determination I managed. Luckily we live at the lowest point of the road; whether I go left out of the drive (as I have been doing) or right it is always downhill all the way home.

Now, here's another question for the horticulturists among the readers; what is this flower? 

The actual flower is a very vivid pink; you can see it - just - near a couple of red berries that have fallen from some other shrub. If I am going to walk past it twice a day I might as well learn its name!

In one front garden there is a small camellia struggling to make a display. It is well sheltered because the other plants nearby are encroaching upon it, and has maybe ten flowers. Our own little camellia has plenty of buds, but only a couple of flowers, very low down where it is easy to miss them.

We watched the weather forecast for the week at lunchtime. I'm already shivering in sympathy with those living further north; it looks like we may escape the worst of the coming cold snap.

I'm hoping for slightly decent weather tomorrow; we are taking delivery of a lightweight folding wheelchair so that we can take my father out for a push around the park, or the duck pond, or wherever. It has been a challenge finding one small enough to fit the boot of the car.

Finally I discovered this one which folds into its own bag - amazing! 

But pink! I rang the manufacturer, Fenetic, and yes, it comes in blue as well. It is supposed to be delivered tomorrow, which is quick work since I ordered it on Friday. We can try it out, and send it back if we have to (but I hope we don't.) The reviews on amazon are a mixture of 5 and 2 stars; but on closer inspection, the 5 star reviews relate to this model, which has larger wheels and handbrakes, and a previous, lower specification one. 

I'm down to the last two sachets of herbal teas from pukka from that mad moment a few years ago when I ordered a huge consignment of 'peace', cleanse', 'rebalance', 'new you' and whatever else they were. Either I've gone off them, or they always did taste a bit like herbal soap. This one, 'peace' is spearmint, something or other, and ashwagandha (????) - well, it's hot. I think I will generously give the final sachet to the worms and stick with English Breakfast or Lemon, Honey and Ginger for now. I shall hold fire on decision-making regarding the Matcha Green Tea for a bit - I laid in supplies because the gardener liked them, but she's keener on the Lemon and Ginger. 

Right. I'm chucking this brew down the sink and going off to make a real pot of tea!



  1. During pregnancy, my friend could only drink lemon&ginger tea. Her husband bought it in bulk for her. Then Baby arrived, and she could no linger face the stuff. So I was given a large box, 75% full. 20 sachets in, I passed it on to someone else! I'm definitely a Red Label girl [and Redbush occasionally]

    1. Yup. 'Builder's Tea' for me now that I'm not trying to be 'sophisticated' any more!

  2. Bit difficult to see the flower, can you get a closer photo? Is it one of the Bergenias, I wonder?

    1. I've had a look online, and it looks plausible. The stems are very short on these flowers. I'll have another go at photographing them.

  3. Yes, it looks like Bergenia, we also have it in our garden - a welcome splash of pink!!

    1. Thank you! I think I might buy some for next year.
