Sunday 4 February 2024

Sunday 4th January - Contemplation

I'm not great at this. Being still, focussing on just one thing, following a thought through to see where it goes... But I'm giving it a go.

I'm reading 'Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools' by Tyler Staton at the moment, in short bursts.

Chapter 2 opens with the story of Owen and CJ; CJ is new to Alcoholics Anonymous, and Owen, and older member, is his mentor.

I don't know about the 12-step program, but I do know that sooner or later one is supposed to acknowledge the existence of a power, greater than everything, and - for lack of a better word - pray, call upon this power for help.

CJ is totally NOT doing anything that smacks of 'that God-stuff'.

Owen takes him to the seaside, and they sit on the beach, looking at the ocean for a while as day becomes dusk, not talking, just sitting.

'Yeah, I get what you mean about a greater 'something' out there,' says CJ eventually.

'Yup', replied Owen.

And home they go.

Tyler Staton suggests you find a good spot, where you won't be disturbed; where you are not too hot, not too cold, and set a timer for 5 minutes so that you don' have to worry about continually checking the time, close your eyes and just settle yourself to - contemplating.

Contemplating what? I might contemplate God, or something to do with God, or I might start off with a favourite memory - (us two, nearly fifty years ago, walking on the Yorkshire Moors one Summer and we stopped for breather under a mature spreading tree and watched the light, warm breeze ripple through the field of long grass before us....) and see where it takes me... oh, is that the alarm already?

After a bit you might want to set the alarm for a longer period.


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